Research and Scholarship

Supporting Transfer Students Through a Summer Transfer Transition Program

  • Rachel Nottingham Miller
  • Andre Durham


As the number of transfer students increases, institutions are seeking ways to facilitate the transition for these students. Unlike new first-year students, transfer students have made the adjustment to college life and have proven their ability to be successful in an academic setting. These students do, however, have special needs as they adjust to their new environment.

The present project poses two questions in this regard: “In what ways did transfer students already utilize summer session?” and “In what ways can we create summer session programming to meet transfer students’ needs?” Current and recently graduated transfer students at the University of Virginia were polled to pursue the answers to these questions. Additionally, the instructors of the classes with the largest numbers of transfer students were asked to participate in an effort to further specify unique characteristics of the transfer population at the university.

How to Cite:

Miller, R. & Durham, A., (2015) “Supporting Transfer Students Through a Summer Transfer Transition Program”, Summer Academe: A Journal of Higher Education 8. doi:

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Published on
19 Jan 2015
Peer Reviewed