Conference Papers

Improving Summer Session Efficiencies: A Case Study

  • Marie Murgolo-Poore


Nevada was one of the hardest-hit states during the recent financial crisis and is still far behind the rest of the country in recovery (Luhby, 2012). Since 2008, the Nevada System of Higher Education has seen a 20.3% decrease in state support (Palmer, 2012). With state funds significantly reduced and funding required for student success initiatives on an increase, Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) found itself needing to maximize the generation of non-state funds. One area that had great potential as an excellent source of non-state funds was summer session. Although TMCC’s summer session had always been run as a self-supporting entity, it had not been run under a profit- (surplus-) generating business model. When internal reorganization had left the summer session program without a dedicated administrator, it was decided that the dean of business would take on that role. This decision was made specifically so summer session would be run as a surplus-generating business.

The transition from the past—which had seen summer session less as a value to the institution and more as a value to participating faculty—to a model that works within the policy to maximize returns to the institution, provide fair compensation to faculty, and ensure that student needs are met, has been wrought with a number of challenges. This paper reviews the process and outcomes, including the major  opportunities and challenges in the three years since the transition took place.

How to Cite:

Murgolo-Poore, M., (2015) “Improving Summer Session Efficiencies: A Case Study”, Summer Academe: A Journal of Higher Education 8. doi:

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Published on
19 Jan 2015
Peer Reviewed